Final conference of Erasmus project Science? is a good story

The Erasmus Partnerships on a Small Scale project Science? A Good Story! concluded on February 17, 2023 with a very rich Online Conference attended by several speakers and classrooms from the IC Marcelline Partners of Foggia and the IBSTEAM network of schools and School of Robotics.

Find the recording of the conference here. Speakers included Italian and Catalan School Authorities, the and teachers from the schools and some scientists including Julia Navarro Oliver and Gianmarco Veruggio.

Eva Vives of IBSTEAM was the host of the event and introduced the different Speakers:
Yolanda Martínez, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Balearic Islands
Tomeu Parets, director of IBSTEAM
Maria Durán, director of the Balearic Women’s Institute
Stefania Tetta, principal of the Marcelline Institute of Foggia
Fiorella Operto, School of Robotics
Lucia Guerra, Lecturer at the Marcelline Institute of Foggia
Maria Antònia Vallespir Munar, Celia Romero, Teachers at Padre Bartolomeu Pou school in Algaida, island of Mallorca
Gianmarco Veruggio, roboticist and Honorary President of School of Robotics
Julia Navarro Oliver, researcher, Mathematics and Computer Science.

Catalan and Italian teachers and students who carried out the experiments and activities of the project then spoke. On the project website/platform you will find some of the presentations that were made by them. Many of the research and experiments were inspired by the scientific work of women scientists and researchers of the past, including the recent past.

For Italy, Prof. Lucia Guerra and eighth-grade students, specifically Montagano Giancarlo, Villani Martina, Manzi Federica, Russo Gaia, Russo Giorgia, Ciannameo Giada Lucia, and Giulia Di Stasi, created a research paper dedicated to the discoveries of scientist Marie Tharp, the U.S. geologist and oceanographer who drew up the first detailed map of the ocean floor revealing the presence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Presentations referred to the recent earthquake that struck Syria and Turkey and the need for continued monitoring of the ocean floor to better understand changes and prevent similar disasters.

Catalan teachers and students presented their diverse and interesting activities: videos, animations with Scratch, and reconstructions with drawings and maps.

The Padre Bartolomeu Pou school from Algaida, Majorca Island, with teachers Maria Antònia Vallespir Munar, Celia Romero and classes three, four, five and six with students aged 8 to 11 presented their. work on the scientist Miguel Servet who, among other discoveries, identified the small blood circulation. Another very creative ptresentation was on the life of scientist and scholar Martha Jane Coston, an inventor and entrepreneur who invented the rocket that takes her surname, the Coston rocket, an at-sea signaling device. Her system of bright, long-lasting flares revolutionized naval communications and continues to be used, saving thousands of lives. The third woman scientist presented by Father Bartolomeu Pou School faculty and students is Emmy Noether, “the most important mathematical genius since women have had access to higher education.” These words, written by Albert Einstein on the occasion of Emmy Noether’s death, give an idea of the importance of this great mathematician.

The students concluded their beautiful presentations with a tribute to Galileo Galilei.

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