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No Gender Gap

Project funded by: Erasmus+ Project KA2 Strategic partnerships for adult education

Project number: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050475

Project duration: 24 months

Start date: 01/10/2018

End date: 30/09/2020


No Gender Gap is an Erasmus Plus KA2 project dedicated to promoting STEM skills among marginalized girls, girls and women and offering technological education. The project is aimed at both educators and women at risk of social exclusion and from disadvantaged groups (e.g. unemployed, victims of gender violence, refugees, without university studies, rural residents) who want to improve their professional skills in a sector where the high demand from ICT companies can significantly reduce the unemployment rate. The partnership is committed to implementing a project that can have beneficial effects on educators, trainers and women and that can increase their personal and professional influence on the Internet to reduce gender gaps, promote the social and work integration of women and generate a community of women with a greater interest in using technology to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment. The project foresees the creation of a MOOC with training contents related to robotics and programming. In addition, a methodological guide including innovative tools and approaches for teachers is foreseen.



Asociación Cultural Building Bridges (Spain) – Project Leader
School of Robotics (Italy)
ILA (Netherlands)
PREVIFORM (Portugal)
Weltgewandt. Institut für interkulturelle politische Bildung e.V. (Germany)

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