STEAMing for the Future: the transnational course in Genoa, Italy

The 5-day course of the Erasmus plus STEAMing for the Future project took place in Genoa, at the Library Biblioteca dei Ragazzi “E. De Amicis”. The course was held by Scuola di Robotica and was attended by teachers from Finland, Spain and Italy (from 3 schools  of Genoa).

The topics dealt with during the five days concerned the use of digital educational and robotic technologies for inclusion in a broad sense, for example, the project educational robotics in the School in Hospital was presented, as well as projects for the use of humanoid robotics for assistance. The group of participants visited the Associazione Philos, in Genoa, which assists children, adolescents and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in individualised pathways and participated in some of the workshops held there, together with the children.

Several days were dedicated to laboratory activities on some robotic kits.

The Erasmus plus project STEAMing for the future is coordinated by the Spanish association IB STEAM of Maiorca the school of Pori, Finland Väinölän koulu and School of Robotics participate in it.


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