About Fiorella Operto

After studying philosophy, she founded a series of popular science books, whose first book was "A life among the stars" by Margherita Hack. From 1999 to 2004 he collaborated with the Italian Research Council (IAN and IEIIT institutes) on the social impact of Advanced Robotics applications. In 2000 she co-founded the School of Robotics, of which he is now Vice President. In 2004 she collaborated with the robotic Gianmarco Veruggio in the promotion of the original idea of Roboetics, i.e. an applied ethics governing the design, production and use of robotic products. She participated in the European project Atelier on Roboethics (2005) and in the first European project within the 7th Framework Programme dedicated to mapping European robotics (CARE). Operto wrote the section on Roboetics. Together with the robotics Gianmarco Veruggio, she wrote the chapter on Roboetics of the prestigious Springer Handbook of Robotics of 2008 and, with G. Veruggio and George Bekey, the new edition of 2016. In 2008 he brings to Italy the project Roberta, Le ragazze scoprono i robot, dedicated to use educational robotics to promote STEM skills to girls and girls. Since then, the project has been adopted by other educational institutions. In 2008 she received the Blackberry Awards as Tecnovisionaria. She is a member of the High-level Advisory Committee of ECWT (European Centre for Women&Technology) and consultant of The Open Roboethics Initiative. He is the Italian Referent of the European Robotics Week; and member of the Executive Board of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics.