I-RIM 3D: Human-Centric Robotics: focusing on robotics for assistance and collaboration with humans

CNR-ISTC, CNR -IEIIT, DIBRIS UNIGE, Omitech, and School of Robotics

organize the on line workshop

Human-Centric Robotics: focusing on robotics for assistance and collaboration with humans

December 10, 2020, 3-5 pm (CET

in the frame of the I-RIM 3D 2020 conference (https://i-rim.i

and of the Maker Faire 2020



Research and applications on and of assistive robots are growing, motivated by the demand for robots that can assist and even collaborate with the older people, children, disabled people and in general that can contribute to human wellbeing, understood in a general sense, not only as physical wellbeing (relief from difficult or dangerous operations), also wellbeing linked to social relations, to the wealth of communication, to the possibility of coming into contact with the people (Cooney MD, Nishio S., Ishiguro H., 2015).  Furthermore, it is a while that “Human-Centric” is a sort of key modificator associated with any recent scientific development, from here our attempt at giving semantics to such modificator in the case of Robotics starting with this workshop but further on with follow up actions triggered by the workshop.

These aspects and motivation in the design and implementation of assistive robots highlight the need to give these robots complex functions, including the ability to identify the human to assist or collaborate with, to understand the language, to take into account the cultural differences among people, and to avoid bias and stereotypes that could introduce serious errors.

Several research and application projects show a good level of acceptance of robots by children and adults. Even when the functions of a robot could have been performed by a digital system (camera, tablet, smartphone), robots’ applications used in the case of patients suffering from COVID-19 and therefore in isolation showed patients’ preference for the physical form of humanoid robots.

The most recent studies on assistive robotics concern those specific characteristics that can give rise to emotions and eliciting attachment and affection in humans, based on studies about human communicating and robot interface, on cases of enjoyable and affectionate interactions with robots.

The workshop will present theoretical elements and application aspects, including the research of the Caresses project (Culture-Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support), an international multidisciplinary project whose aim is to develop the first elderly care robot able to adapt the way it speaks and behaves to the culture of the person assisted; applications of humanoid robots for patient care of COVID-19 in isolation (Omitech), the SI-Robotics project that is currently pursuing the integration of Collaborative Robots, AI technologies and innovative sensors to pursue new strategies for social assistance, and some cases of the use of humanoid robots to assist companies with cognitive problems (School of Robotics).

Moreover, since research and applications on assistive robots concern a very complex and sensitive human sphere, it is necessary that studies are complemented by a thorough analysis of ethical and legal aspects.



Amedeo Cesta, Research Director at CNR and Group Leader at ISTC

Matteo Cestari, CEO, Omitech

Antonio Sgorbissa, Associate Professor of Computer Science, UNIGE, DIBRIS

Gianmarco Veruggio, Senior Research Associate, CNR-IEIIT, Scuola di Robotica

Michela Bogliolo, Researcher, Scuola di Robotica



  • Amedeo Cesta: SI-Robotics: integrating robots, sensors and AI for continuous assistance
  • Antonio Sgorbissa: CARESSES: a care robot for the elderly with cultural competence
  • Matteo Cestari: Interaction with a robot as a journey into human nature
  • Michela Bogliolo: Case studies: humanoid robots as caregivers, assistants, and collaborators in hospital and retirement home
  • Gianmarco Veruggio: Ethical, Legal and Societal Issue in Assistive Robotics 


To register:

Registration is free of charge. The link to the seminar is https://digital.makerfairerome.eu/#/mfr/395/event


A window will open, you will be able to register at Maker Faire directly with your email or via Google and FB and you will receive a “Magic link” which will allow you to participate in the seminar.


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