In Mestre, Italy, at Museo M9 the Final of the Robotics Championships 2024

Robotics Championships: at M9 Museum in Mestre, the finals of the 2024 edition

The Italian Ministry of Education and Merit, in collaboration with Scuola di Robotica and M9 – Museo del ‘900 di Mestre, announced the finals of the 2024 Robotics Championships, a challenge for schools that combines technological innovation with education and didactics in an innovative cultural context, taking place at the M9 Museum in Mestre.

The Robotics Championships 2024 represent a unique opportunity to explore the potential of robotics within the world of work, citizen services and craft professions.

Participating teams developed robot prototypes designed to tackle real-world challenges in these three categories:

  • Use of robotics to enhance well-being in the workplace: How robotics can improve working conditions and safety in the workplace, contributing to the well-being of workers.
    Use of robotics in citizen services: How robots can be used to improve the services offered to citizens by making everyday life easier.
    Use of robotics in craft professions: How robotics can be integrated into craft professions to improve the productivity and quality of craft products.

The M9 Museum in Mestre (Italy) is the venue for the finals.

The final phase of the 2024 Robotics Championships took  place on 6-7-8 May 2024 at the M9 Museum in Mestre. This cultural venue was the perfect setting for the events, and offered participants an extraordinary opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and innovation of 20th century Italy. The M9 Museum fits perfectly into the educational mission of the Championships, providing an inspiring environment for teams and participants.

Scuola di Robotica promotes an innovative approach to learning in which teachers and students work together to develop versatile skills. This approach fits in with School Plan 4.0 and includes online training courses for teachers and specific training for students.

Selection of Finalists

The selection of the 30 finalists took place through a thorough procedure that will include the submission of videos, written documents and evaluation by expert jurors. The participating teams were called upon to demonstrate their creativity, competence and ability to solve real problems.

In addition, several online and in-person training opportunities were organised for teachers and students on various topics related to robotics, innovation and the learning environment. These trainings represent an opportunity for growth and development for those participating in the Championships.


Official Website of the 2024 Robotics Championships

Website of School of Robotics

Website of M9 Museum in Mestre


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