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European Projects2020-12-10T11:53:42+01:00


Scuola di Robotica is partner in various European Project. Here you can find the list of all our Project.

Scuola di Robotica is always looking for new partners to partecipate in new projects. Contact us at


Erasmus plus EARLY project: partners’ meeting in Riga (Latvia)

The final meeting of the EARLY (Distance Learning Model Reinforced with Robotics for 3-7 Years Old Children) project partners takes place in Riga (Latvia) on 11 and 12 June 2044. The project developed a methodology, a Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Lesson Videos and much more [...]

Education, road safety and driving simulators: free webinars

On the occasion of the European project ROadEDucatiOn (RODEO), thematic webinars will be organized on the use of simulators for non-gaming purposes and the problems related to driving and being on the road when there is a disability. The webinars will be held by [...]

Originality and reliability of REXASI-PRO Horizon Europe project

by Roberto Larcher * REXASI-PRO is the acronym of a European Horizon Europe project which stands for REliable & eXplainable Swarm Intelligence for People with Reduced mObility. The aim of the project is to create an engineering framework to develop solutions based on artificial [...]

An Erasmus + project dedicated to industrial robotics

The partners' meeting of the Erasmus plus Small Scale Robotics Curriculum Development project (Project No. KA210-VET-2C05C51F - 20 March 2023 - 19th Se) took place in Genoa (12-16 June, 2023), at the premises of Scuola di Robotica. The project objective is a robotics curriculum [...]

An Erasmus project opens up and another one ends.

School of Robotics is a partner in several Erasmus and two Horizon projects. From 6 to 10 June 2023, the partners of the project A robot from you, from Turkey and Portugal, will be in Genoa. The project (KA210-VET - Small Scale Partnership in Vocational [...]

ERASMUS PLUS PROJECT ALGOLITTLE: Multiplier event in Genoa, Italy

 Conference and Multiplier event ERASMUS PLUS PROJECT ALGOLITTLE ALGORITHMIC THINKING SKILLS THROUGH PLAY-BASED LEARNING FOR FUTURE'S CODE LITERATES 2020-1-TR01-KA203-092333 Genoa, 17 June 2022 9.30-12:30 IC Sampierdarena Cantore Primary School Via Reti, 23, Genoa The aim of the project was to design educational activities for [...]

Contest for schools: I wonna be a Scientist too!

11 February 2022 will be the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science". To celebrate the event, the partners of the Erasmus + project "STEAMing for the future" (2020-1-ES01- KA226- SCH-096028)  launch the video contest "I want to be a SCIENTIST too" aimed [...]

Erasmus + EU-Rate project continues piloting

The EU-RATE,  of which School of Robotics is a Partner, project aims to respond to the need to increase young people's interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, making them actors in their use and promoting innovative methods, through fun and accessible robotics educational [...]

Erasmus + project EARLY CODE Multiplier Event in Italy

.  The Italian presentation event of the results of the Erasmus plus project, EARLY CODE, will take place online on 21 July 2020, organized by the School of Robotics. THE PROJECT: Early Code is an Erasmus plus project dedicated to the development of a [...]

Earlycode Course on educational technologies and robotics in early education

The course is taking place online in English in the context of the Erasmus plus project EARLYCODE, an ERASMUS+ project (2018-1-TRO1-KA203-058832), with the aim of producing tools to promote and develop computational and algorithmic thinking in childhood. The project has already produced several manuals [...]

Able with Tech

Abel with Tech is a European project co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme (KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, strategic partnerships for school education). School of Robotics is a Partner of the project. Project duration: 24 months Start date: 01/09/2019 [...]

No Gender Gap

Project funded by: Erasmus+ Project KA2 Strategic partnerships for adult education Project number: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050475 Project duration: 24 months Start date: 01/10/2018 End date: 30/09/2020 NO GENDER GAP No Gender Gap is an Erasmus Plus KA2 project dedicated to promoting STEM skills among marginalized girls, [...]

IoT in Education: We are the makers!

Project funded by: Erasmus+ KA2 Project - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, strategic partnerships for school education. Project Number: 2017- VG-IN-BW-17-36-035615 Project duration: 36 months Start date: 01/09/2017 End date: 31/08/2020 IoT in Education: We are the makers! We Are the [...]

eMedia: Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship for All

Project funded by: Erasmus Project + KA2 Strategic partnerships for adult education: 2018-1-FR01-KA201-048117 Project duration: 36 months Start date: 15/09/2018 End date: 14/09/2021 EMEDIA: MEDIA LITERACY AND DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP FOR ALL eMedia is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adults Education project. The aim [...]


EU-Rate Project completed: partners meeting in Bordeaux with Robocup

From 6 to 9 July 2023, the Partner of EU-Rate Erasmus plus project participated in the conclusive meeting in Bordeaux, France.  It was an event that allowed us to strengthen relations, discuss new opportunities and define joint strategies to address common challenges in the [...]

CARE: Coordination Action for Robotics in Europe

Project financed by: European Commission - FP6-IST Project number: FP7-IST-045058 Project duration: 38 months Start date: 01/09/2006 End date: 31/10/2009 CARE: Coordination Action for Robotics in Europe CARE (Coordination Action for Robotics in Europe) is a project of the "Coordination Action" type funded by [...]

Roberta: girls discover robots

Roberta is a project conceived in 2002 by the Fraunhofer Institute IAIS (Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems) in Bonn in response to the shortage of girls enrolled in courses of study in technical-scientific fields. The shortage of women ICT practitioners in Europe [...]

EthicBots – Emerging Technoethics of Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic and Robotic Systems

Project financed by: European Commission - "Structuring the European Research" Area FP6-SOCIETY Project number: 017759 SAS 6 Project duration: 30 months Start date: 01/09/2005 End date: 30/04/2008 EthicBots - Emerging Technoethics of Human Interaction with Communication, Bionic and Robotic Systems ETHICBOTS (Emerging Technoethics of Human [...]